How to write meta description? - Meta description 101

In the digital age, a meta description is like a first impression—it can make or break your online presence. In this blog post, we’ll cover what a meta description is and why it matters. More importantly, we’ll guide you through the steps to writing impactful meta descriptions that boost your business's visibility and click-through rates. Whether you're new to SEO or looking to refine your strategy, you’ll find everything you need right here.

Updated on:
September 6, 2024
an abstract illustration of meta descriptions in search engines

Imagine you're at a bookshop. Thousands of books surround you, but you only have a few minutes to pick one. You scan the covers and read the blurbs to decide. That little paragraph on the back cover? That's your meta description in the world of websites. It's a brief summary that persuades people to click through and explore your content.

What is meta description?

A meta description is a brief HTML element summarising a webpage's content. It appears beneath the page title in search engine results, giving potential visitors a snapshot of what to expect. Both search engines and users read it, making it a crucial factor in driving traffic to your site. An effective meta description can attract users to click on your link over others, serving as a powerful tool to boost your website’s visibility and engagement.

What role does meta description play in SEO?

Meta descriptions play a crucial role in SEO by influencing click-through rates (CTR) from search engine results pages (SERPs). While they don’t directly impact search rankings, a compelling meta description can attract more clicks, signalling to search engines that your page is relevant to users.

For instance, a Semrush case study found that product-focused meta descriptions, which provided detailed information about product features and benefits, led to a 2.2% increase in clicks. This highlights the importance of matching meta descriptions to user search intent, enhancing both user engagement and organic traffic​​. Therefore, investing time in crafting effective meta descriptions can significantly boost your website’s visibility and performance.

How to write an optimal meta description?

Writing an optimal meta description is both an art and a science. Here's how to master it:


Although recommended length for a meta description is between 150-160 characters, we recommend 120 characters, for several reasons:

  1. Mobile Devices: Shorter meta descriptions ensure that they display properly on mobile devices, which often have limited screen space. Since a significant portion of searches are conducted on mobile, this is crucial for maintaining a good user experience.
  2. Avoiding Truncation: Keeping meta descriptions to 120 characters helps prevent important information from being cut off. This ensures that the essential parts of your message are fully visible to users, regardless of the device they are using.
  3. Focus and Clarity: A shorter length forces you to be concise and focused. This can lead to more compelling and clear meta descriptions that effectively communicate the value of your content without unnecessary fluff.
  4. User Experience: A concise meta description can quickly convey the most important information to users, helping them decide if your link is relevant to their search query. This can improve click-through rates and user satisfaction.

By adhering to a 120-character limit, you can create meta descriptions that are optimised for visibility and user engagement across all devices.

Keywords in meta

It’s crucial to place keywords strategically in meta descriptions to maximise visibility and click-through rates. Start with the most important keyword as early as possible to grab attention immediately. Integrate keywords naturally throughout the description, ensuring they flow seamlessly without sounding forced. Highlight key points with secondary keywords to add depth and relevance. For example: "Book our luxury catering services for unforgettable events. Experience gourmet cuisine that will delight your guests." This approach helps search engines understand your content and appeals to users seeking specific information, enhancing both visibility and engagement.

CTA in meta

Incorporate clear and direct calls to action (CTAs) in meta descriptions to encourage clicks and improve user engagement. Use active voice to create compelling and concise CTAs that prompt users to take specific actions. For instance, phrases like "Discover our luxury catering services today" or "Book your bespoke event now" are effective because they are straightforward and action-oriented.

Your CTAs should be relevant to the content and aligned with the user’s search intent, ensuring that the meta description is not only engaging but also informative and accurate​​. This approach helps create meta descriptions that are both enticing and effective in driving traffic to your website.

Search intent

Matching meta descriptions to search intent is essential for drawing the right audience and enhancing click-through rates (CTR). Understanding and catering to the user's intent can significantly boost engagement and drive more traffic to your site.

First, it's important to identify the type of search intent: informational, navigational, transactional, or commercial investigation. Informational queries seek knowledge, navigational queries aim to find a specific website, transactional queries intend to make a purchase, and commercial investigation queries compare products or services.

Examining the meta descriptions of top-ranking pages for your target keywords can provide insights into what users find relevant. Note common phrases and themes, as these reflect what information searchers deem valuable.

How to optimise your meta depending on a webpage type?

The approach to crafting meta descriptions can vary significantly depending on the type of webpage. We'll explore how to write effective meta descriptions for the most common types of web pages, including service pages, product pages, and blog post pages.

Your website may have all of these types or just one, depending on your business model. Understanding these differences can help you create more targeted and compelling meta descriptions that resonate with your audience and improve your site's click-through rates.

Meta description for service pages

Meta descriptions for service pages should clearly communicate the services offered, highlight key benefits, and include a call to action to entice users to click through. It's crucial to be concise and use relevant keywords that match user intent. For instance, if you are offering wedding floral services, your meta description should mention the specific services and any unique selling points, and encourage potential customers to learn more or get in touch.

Example: "Perfect wedding flowers. Fresh, bespoke arrangements. Make your day unforgettable. Contact our wedding florist now!"

Meta description for product pages

Meta descriptions for product pages should highlight key features, benefits, and any unique selling points of the product. Include a clear call to action to encourage potential customers to click through and make a purchase. Being concise and incorporating relevant keywords will help attract the right audience.

Example: "Protect your skin with our mineral SPF 50. Broad-spectrum, water-resistant, and perfect for all skin types. Buy now!"

Meta description for category pages

Meta descriptions for product category pages should provide a brief overview of the types of products available within that category, highlight any key benefits, and include a call to action. This helps users understand the value of exploring the category further.

Example: "Explore our range of high-quality aggregates for all your construction needs. Durable, reliable, and available in bulk. Shop now!"

Meta description for blog posts

Meta descriptions for blog posts should provide a concise summary of the content, highlight the main topics covered, and entice readers to click through by promising valuable insights or information. Including relevant keywords will help attract the right audience.

Example: "Learn how to write effective meta descriptions for service, product, and blog pages. Boost your SEO and click-through rates with our tips!"

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Being vague: "We offer great services" isn't helpful. Specify what those services are.
  • Overloading with keywords: "Meta description tips, meta description guide, best meta descriptions" looks spammy.
  • Neglecting unique descriptions: Each page should have a unique meta description. Duplicate descriptions are like showing up to a fancy dress party in identical outfits—awkward and ineffective.


Crafting effective meta descriptions tailored to different types of web pages is essential for enhancing your site's visibility and click-through rates. Whether you're writing for service pages, product pages, product category pages, or blog posts, understanding and aligning with user intent is key. By highlighting the unique aspects of your offerings and including clear calls to action, you can make your meta descriptions more compelling and relevant.

Remember, a well-crafted meta description not only attracts more visitors but also improves user engagement and satisfaction. Take the time to refine your meta descriptions to ensure they accurately represent your content and entice users to click through.

Ready to improve your local and national SEO? Visit our SEO services page to learn more about how we can help you boost your online presence and drive more traffic to your site. Let’s implement these strategies today and watch your traffic grow, together!

A profile picture of a blog post author about meta description
Alicia Krawczyk
Published on:
September 6, 2024
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