How to optimise your website for voice search?

In the digital age, optimising your website for voice search isn’t just a trend—it’s a game-changer. With more people relying on voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant for quick answers, adapting your site to meet this demand is crucial. In this post, we'll delve into what voice search is and why it's rapidly becoming a vital aspect of SEO. We'll also cover the practical steps you can take to ensure your website is voice search-friendly. Let’s dive in!

Updated on:
August 22, 2024
voice search optimisation illustration

What is voice search optimisation?

Voice search optimisation is the process that adjusts your website and content to increase its chances of appearing in voice search results. Unlike traditional text-based searches, where users type keywords into a search engine, voice search relies on spoken queries. This fundamental difference means that the way people ask for information using voice is more conversational and natural compared to how they might type a query.

In essence, voice search optimisation is about aligning your website and content with how people naturally speak and ask questions. It’s about making sure your business is easily found, whether someone is typing on a keyboard or speaking into their phone. By doing this, you increase your visibility, improve the user experience, and stay ahead in the competitive online landscape.

How is voice search used?

Voice search is increasingly becoming a preferred way for people to find information, make purchases, and manage daily tasks. Its convenience and hands-free nature make it especially popular on mobile devices and smart speakers. But how exactly do people use voice search, and why is it reshaping the digital landscape?

Quick answers on the go

One of the most common uses of voice search is for quick, on-the-go queries. People ask their voice assistants for weather updates, directions, or quick facts without needing to stop and type. For example, a user might ask, "What's the weather like today?" or "Where’s the nearest coffee shop?" This is particularly useful when driving, cooking, or otherwise occupied.

Local searches

Voice search is heavily used for local searches, especially when people are looking for nearby services or businesses. Phrases like “find a dentist near me” or “best pizza place in town” are typical voice queries. These searches are often location-based, meaning the search engine considers the user's location when delivering results, making it crucial for businesses to have up-to-date and optimised local listings.

Shopping and e-commerce

More and more people are using voice search to make purchases or check product information. Queries like “Order more paper towels” or “What are the reviews for [a product]?” are becoming common. This shift pressures e-commerce businesses to optimise their product listings and content to be easily discoverable through voice search.

Daily task management

People also use voice search to manage daily tasks, such as setting reminders, sending texts, or scheduling appointments. Users might say, “Remind me to call John at 3 PM,” or “Send a message to Sarah saying I’ll be late.” These examples show how much voice assistants have become a regular part of people’s daily lives.

Complex questions and research

People also turn to voice search for more complex queries or research purposes. For example, someone might ask, “What’s the best way to optimise a website for SEO?” or “How do I fix a leaky faucet?” These longer, more detailed questions highlight the importance of having content that answers specific user needs clearly and concisely.

Multitasking convenience

Another key reason people use voice search is the convenience it offers for multitasking. Whether they’re cooking, driving, or working, voice search allows users to get information without interrupting what they’re doing. This hands-free approach makes it easier for users to incorporate digital interactions into their daily lives.

In summary, voice search is used across a wide range of scenarios, from quick, simple queries to complex questions and even e-commerce transactions. Its growing popularity is driven by its convenience, speed, and the increasingly natural way in which people interact with technology. For businesses, understanding these usage patterns is essential for effectively reaching and engaging with their audience through voice search.

What are the benefits of optimising your website for voice search?

Optimising your website for voice search isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s a smart move that can bring several big benefits to your business. Let’s break it down:

Get found more easily

With more people using voice search, having a site that’s optimised for it means you’re more likely to pop up in the top results. This means more people finding you, more clicks, and potentially more customers.

Make life easier for your visitors

Voice search is all about convenience. When your site delivers quick, spot-on answers to spoken questions, visitors are going to love how easy you make it for them. Happy visitors are more likely to stick around, explore, and come back.

Dominate local searches

 A lot of voice searches are local, like “Where’s the nearest coffee shop?” By optimising for these kinds of queries, especially if you’re a local business, you can truly shine in your community and attract more foot traffic.

Boost sales and conversions

When people get exactly what they’re looking for, fast, they’re more likely to take action—whether that’s buying a product, booking a service, or visiting your store. A voice search-friendly site can make it easier for them to do just that.

Stay ahead of the competition

Not every business has jumped on the voice search bandwagon yet, so by optimising your site now, you’re getting a head start. This gives you a leg up on competitors who might still be playing catch-up.

Future-proof your business

Voice search is only going to grow. By optimising your site now, you’re not just improving your current performance—you’re setting yourself up for future success as more and more people turn to voice technology.

In a nutshell, optimising your website for voice search can help you stand out, attract more customers, and build a stronger, more future-ready business. It’s about making sure your brand is heard—literally!

Voice search optimisation vs SEO

Voice search optimisation and traditional SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) share the same goal: to make your website more visible to users searching for relevant information. However, they approach this goal in slightly different ways.

Traditional SEO focuses on how people type their queries into search engines. This often involves using shorter, keyword-focused phrases. For example, someone might type “best Italian restaurant London.” SEO strategies typically revolve around keyword density, backlinks, meta tags, and other technical factors that help search engines rank a site higher for these types of searches.

Voice search optimisation, on the other hand, is all about how people speak their queries. When using voice search, people tend to ask full, conversational questions like, “What’s the best Italian restaurant near me?” This requires a different approach to content creation. It’s not just about stuffing in keywords; it’s about understanding how people naturally talk and crafting content that answers their questions directly and concisely.

While traditional SEO is about keywords and rankings, voice search optimisation is more about context and relevance. It’s about anticipating the questions your audience might ask and making sure your website can provide the answers quickly and clearly. By combining both strategies, you can cover all your bases—reaching people whether they’re typing or talking to their devices.

Voice search optimisation 101

Now that we’ve covered what voice search optimisation is and why it’s crucial, let’s dive into the actionable steps you can take to make sure your website is ready for the voice search revolution. These tips will help you enhance your site’s visibility, improve the user experience, and stay ahead of the competition.

Conversational (long-tail) keywords

When optimising for voice search, think about how people naturally speak. Unlike traditional search queries that often rely on short, punchy keywords, voice searches tend to be more conversational. This means focusing on long-tail keywords—phrases that mimic the way people ask questions in real life. For example, instead of targeting “Italian restaurant London,” you might optimise for “Where’s the best Italian restaurant near me?” By incorporating these natural-sounding phrases into your content, you can better align with the way people use voice search, making it easier for your site to be found by those using digital assistants.

Local search optimisation

Local searches are a huge part of voice search, especially when people are looking for businesses nearby. Phrases like “near me” are common in voice queries, so it’s crucial to ensure your site is optimised for local SEO. This means keeping your Google My Business listing up to date, including your address, phone number, and business hours. Additionally, incorporating local keywords into your content, such as the name of your city or neighbourhood, can help you rank higher in local voice search results. Ensuring your site has accurate, consistent NAP (name, address, and phone number) information across the web is also key to boosting your visibility.

Content that answers questions

Voice search is often used for finding quick answers to questions, so your content should be designed to provide those answers clearly and concisely. Consider creating an FAQ section or writing blog posts that address common queries in your industry. Structure your content in a way that makes it easy for search engines to pull out key information—short, direct answers work best. By anticipating the questions your audience might ask and providing thorough, yet to-the-point answers, you increase the likelihood of your site being featured in voice search results, particularly in those valuable featured snippets.

Page load speed improvements

Page load speed is crucial for voice search optimisation, as users expect quick responses. Slow-loading pages not only frustrate users but also reduce your chances of ranking well in search results. To boost your site’s performance, consider compressing images, minimising JavaScript, and leveraging browser caching. If you want more detailed tips on how to enhance your site’s speed, check out our blog post on improving page load speed, where we delve deeper into the technical tweaks that can make a big difference.

Natural language

Since voice search is all about natural, conversational queries, your content should reflect this. Avoid overly technical language or jargon that might confuse readers and instead focus on writing in a straightforward, easy-to-understand manner. Think about how you would explain a concept to someone in person and try to replicate that tone in your content. By using natural language, you make it easier for voice assistants to interpret and serve up your content as a relevant result, enhancing your site’s chances of being featured in voice search.

Technical SEO

While voice search optimisation is heavily focused on content, don’t overlook the importance of technical SEO. This includes making sure your site is mobile-friendly, ensuring your website’s schema markup is correctly implemented, and maintaining a clean, efficient site structure. These technical elements help search engines understand and index your site properly, which is critical for appearing in voice search results. Structured data, in particular, can give search engines more context about your content, increasing the likelihood of it being used to answer voice queries.

User intent

Understanding user intent is key to voice search optimisation. When someone uses voice search, they usually have a specific intent—whether it’s finding information, locating a business, or making a purchase. Your content should be tailored to meet these intents by providing clear, actionable information that addresses the user's needs. Consider the different stages of the customer journey and create content that aligns with the questions or needs they might have at each stage. By focusing on user intent, you can create more targeted content that not only attracts visitors but also drives conversions.

Does voice search matter?

Voice search is more than just a passing trend; it's becoming a key way people interact with the digital world. As more consumers rely on voice assistants for quick, hands-free searches, businesses that optimise for voice search will have a significant edge. By embracing voice search, you’re not only making your website more accessible but also future-proofing your business in an increasingly voice-driven landscape.

If you're unsure how to improve your website and adjust it for voice search, don’t hesitate to contact us. We're here to help you stay ahead of the curve and ensure your business is heard loud and clear.

profile picture of lead developer and SEO expert at akw dezign
Matt Woch
Published on:
August 22, 2024
Ready to rule the online?

Let's optimise your website for voice search together!

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