Does being number one on search engines matter?

This blog post explores whether being number one in search engine rankings truly matters for businesses. We'll delve into the benefits of top rankings, such as increased visibility and traffic, while also examining why this might not always translate to success. We’ll explain the importance of user experience, aligning with search intent, facing competition, overcoming technical issues, and enhancing content quality.

Updated on:
September 6, 2024
an abstract illustration of top 3 search engine results pages

The Allure of the Top Spot

Ranking first on Google does have its undeniable perks. For starters, it’s like having a prime storefront on the bustling high street – you’re the first thing people see. The study from Backlinko have shown that the top result in Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs) gets around 33% of the clicks. That’s a hefty slice of the pie!

Data behind number #1 on Google

Achieving the top spot on Google is often seen as the pinnacle of digital success for businesses, both local and national. But what does it actually mean, and is it worth the effort?

For local businesses, being number one on Google can significantly boost visibility and drive foot traffic. Imagine a local bakery topping the search results for "best bakery in [your city]". This prime position can lead to more visits, calls, and directions requested through Google

For businesses selling nationally, the benefits extend to increased online traffic and sales. National businesses that leverage top search rankings can see substantial economic impacts.

The Journey to the Top

Getting to the top of Google is not an overnight achievement. It often involves a strategic combination of search engine optimisation (SEO), quality content creation, and robust online marketing efforts. SEO practices such as keyword optimisation, backlink building, and improving site speed are crucial. According to a study by Ahrefs, it can take anywhere from 2 to 6 months to reach the first page of Google, depending on the competitiveness of the keywords And the strength of the website's backlink profile. This study examined the ranking history of 2 million pages and found that only 5.7% of them managed to rank in the top 10 within a year. The majority of these pages achieved this ranking in about 61 to 182 days​​.

Staying on Top

Maintaining the number one spot requires continuous effort. SEO is not a one-time task; search algorithms and competitor strategies are always evolving. If a business stops its SEO efforts, it can quickly lose its ranking to competitors who are actively optimizsing their sites. Consistent content updates, regular backlink audits, and ongoing technical SEO maintenance are essential to stay ahead​​.

Does It Last?

The longevity of the top position on Google is akin to maintaining a garden. Without regular care, such as watering, weeding, and fertilising, a once-thriving garden will quickly become overrun with weeds and lose its beauty. Similarly, without ongoing SEO activities, businesses can see a decline in their rankings over time. Competitors who continually invest in their SEO are like diligent gardeners who tend to their plots daily, easily overtaking those who become complacent. Thus, it’s crucial for businesses to continuously adapt and optimise their SEO strategies to maintain their ranking and the associated benefits. Just as a garden needs consistent attention to stay in bloom, a top-ranking position on Google requires sustained effort and care.

More Traffic, More Problems?

Simply being number one doesn’t guarantee success. Around 30% of our clients have faced the perplexing issue of ranking first on search engines yet seeing no tangible results. In today's market, consumers are savvy and tend to shop around, seeking out businesses that present their offers in the most appealing way. This trend is evident in various industries, where having a top SERP position alone doesn't guarantee success. 

Imagine you own a bakery, and your shop is the first one people see. But if your window display is uninspiring, your bread is stale, and your staff are unhelpful, people will quickly move on to the next bakery, even if it’s further down the street. The same principle applies online. Being first on a search engine result page means nothing without a seamless interaction with your brand, both online and offline.

User experience

User experience (UX) is crucial for converting traffic into sales, even if a website ranks first on Google. Poor UX, such as slow loading times, confusing navigation, or unappealing design, can drive visitors away quickly. For instance, if a potential customer lands on a top-ranked page but finds it difficult to navigate or visually unappealing, they are likely to leave without engaging further. Additionally, if the site is not mobile-friendly, it can deter users who primarily browse on their smartphones. Ensuring a seamless, engaging, and user-friendly experience is essential for converting high search rankings into actual results.

Low Conversion Rates

Achieving the top spot on Google is an impressive feat, but if your website’s conversion rate is low, you may not see the expected results. The conversion rate refers to the percentage of visitors who take a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. A high search ranking can drive traffic to your site, but if users are not converting, this traffic is effectively wasted.

Several factors can influence conversion rates, including the clarity of your call-to-action (CTA), the relevance of your landing page content, and the overall user experience.  Being number one won’t help if what you’re offering doesn’t appeal to visitors. For instance, if a visitor finds your page through a high-ranking keyword but the page content does not meet their needs or expectations, they are unlikely to convert. This can be due to mismatched search intent, poor page design, or a lack of trust signals such as reviews and testimonials.

Improving your conversion rate involves optimising these elements to ensure visitors are engaged and motivated to take action. Tools like A/B testing, user feedback, and analytics can help identify and address issues impacting conversion rates.

Delivery of information

low content quality can severely hinder conversions. If your content is poorly written, lacks depth, or isn't relevant to what users are searching for, visitors will quickly leave your site, leading to high bounce rates and no conversions. Additionally, an informational funnel that doesn’t guide users effectively through the buying process can result in missed opportunities.

For instance, if users land on your page looking for specific information and only find generic or shallow content, they won't trust your expertise or value proposition. Furthermore, if your content fails to include strong calls-to-action (CTAs) or doesn't provide clear next steps, users won't move down the sales funnel. This mismatch between user expectations and content quality can result in significant traffic with minimal conversion.

Website design

It goes beyond the code. Cohesive branding and an aesthetically pleasing website design are vital for converting visitors, even if your site ranks first on Google. While a 'good' design is not a direct ranking factor, it profoundly influences the overall user experience with your brand. Poor design, such as inconsistent branding and chaotic layouts, can confuse and deter potential customers, leading to high bounce rates and low conversions.

The Stanford Web Credibility Project underscores this, revealing that 75% of users judge a company's credibility based on its website design. If your site appears unprofessional or disorganised, it can erode trust and reduce the likelihood of conversions. Ensuring a clean, cohesive design helps build credibility, encouraging visitors to engage more deeply with your content and offers.

Off-website experience

Being number one on Google is a notable achievement, but it's not a magic bullet. It's a tough pill to swallow, but position alone won't ensure a healthy ROI if your offline processes are weak. If you don't respond to inquiries promptly and politely, provide a poor customer experience over the phone, or lack effective email marketing, customers will likely move on. At the end of the day, people shop around and will seek a better experience elsewhere.

Assessing your offline processes is crucial to ensuring that your customer service, response times, and overall interaction quality match the expectations set by your online presence. Excellent offline interactions are vital to complement your online visibility and convert traffic into loyal customers.

Does being number one in search engines matter? 

Absolutely, but it’s not the be-all and end-all. Numerous studies, including the one from, confirm that the top three positions on Google receive the majority of clicks—approximately 54.4% collectively. Hence, it’s a good start to aim for top 3.

However, ranking is just one piece of the puzzle. Our focus is on driving meaningful results for your business. We work to improve your search engine rankings by optimising your website through comprehensive keyword research, strategic content planning, and technical SEO adjustments. This approach not only increases your visibility but also enhances relevancy in search intent, improves your website's health, and boosts conversions.

By setting realistic goals and focusing on increasing organic traffic, building credibility, and driving conversions, we ensure sustainable growth and a competitive edge in the market. It's important to understand that SEO is a long-term investment and involves continuous efforts to maintain and improve your online presence.

In the words of a wise person (okay, it’s just me, but still): “Being number one is great, but being the best is even better.” So aim for both, and you’ll be on the right track! If you're unsure why your website is not ranking in top 3 on search engines, let's have a chat about how to fix it!

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Alicia Krawczyk
Published on:
September 6, 2024
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